Course Reflection

This is the end of class. During the times, I enjoyed working with Dr. Wang and my partner, seeing our progresses in the past seven days. I feel very proud of you each time when I view partners in our group blogfolios, which documents our achievements in the past few days. Now, it is the time for me to summarize my experiences on this lesson. My experience includes three words——creativity, cooperation, and problem solving.

Creativity is the first thing I learned from this lesson. That is also the reason why I like using to create my blog. Because you can choose various of themes, and it’s depended on myself. I can customize my own blog. Beside, “Padlet” (a electronic whiteboard) is also interesting for me. We can post everything we want, such as pictures, videos or words.

Cooperation is the second thing. Some tasks we need do together, for example, our group’s website which called and I have to say that our group do have a good team work. When we get a new task, we will decide division of the task. And then we do our own job, then make them together.

Problem solving is the final thing I learnd form the lesson. When we entered a new website, it’s no denying that we will encount some difficulties. For example, when we do our videos, I have no idea about how to add the period of the moive. But “Powtoon” has an advantage that all of buttons are not difficult to find, and I find the button for a while. So it is still convenient for me.

But I may not use some tools for quizs, such as, In my opinion, both of them is less easier than I may spend more time in those website. Another tools I may not use is that “ClassDojo”, I think its functions are not so much. And you can only comment on children’s performances.

Three things that helped me understand the course content and learn better during my group work is that “”(we need that to upload some file needed), “” (if I need some help to translate, it is the best choice for me.), “” (if I disunderstand the meaning of something, it is the good tool for us to search for somethings.)

The things that I felt should be avoided or improved for group work is that disunity (if group numbers are not united, everything will be hard to finish.), less communication (that will make everyone’s task has a repeated emergence.)

My strong point in class is that I have a part time job in an educational institution, and I am familiar with that where children will pay more attention or the feature they have. And I will do my best to work with my partners. And my weak point is that I always feel unconfident to my performance, that makes me ask my partner whether it is ok. My future learning goal is that I can overcome my weak point.

Finally, I really approach to many useful tools, and it do help me to use that in my future career. And I think that we should also use more educational technology to enrich our class. To be honest, the technology used in Chinese preschools is less than ones in American. So I think it necessary for us to do. Thanks for Dr.Wang ‘s teaching, and wish you happiness in your life.

Day Seven

Online Questionnaire, Worksheet, and Quizzes

Among these days,we were asked to create quizby several tools such as,, and

捕获1With that, you can ask the audience a question. Then you can watch as the chart updates automatically with their responses. And the general process is divided into four steps: 1. create or raise a question; 2. have a participation through the web, and mobile phone text messages to vote;3.  share it with you blog;  4. results, check the poll results.


Testmoz is a test generator that sports 4 question types, automatic grading, a really simple interface and detailed reports.Testmoz is free, and does not require you (or your students) to register. That is a more outstanding point about this website. We do not need to worry about that we can’t create a tast because of the registering. That will be more convenient!


“” is a website in China. And the themes is so many that you can find the fitting kind of the quiz. What’s more, you can also create a exam on That is very different from other websites.

On this website, you can control the time of exams and make the questions random. It is convenient for us to use “automatic paper marking system”.

捕获To integrate these tools into classroom teaching, I will use “” to create a quiz in order to master the learning situation. And then I can continue my lesson according to that. Children will be excited about these new things, compareded with the traditional ones.

I think that these projects help you meet one of the ISTE standard ——”Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity”. With different kinds of tools for quizby several tools, I can create my own quizs and that will enhance my levels.

Here is My Rubric

Here is my test

Here is my quiz in



Day Six

Video Editing

The meaning of digital storytelling is that we can uses new digital tools to help ordinary people to tell real-life stories. It is the practice of combining narrative with images, your own voice, and videos, so that you can create a short movie,with a strong emotion.Its style is various: the videos can be instructional, persuasive, historical, or reflective.

The reason why I will choose digital story-telling is that the movies can be  normally 2-5 minutes long. Beacuse considering the factor that children’s attention is not so long, and the movies will be included nearly any subject, I think it is good for children to learn everything in a short time, even if they are at home. I will use it on my class when my students are boring or they have some problems, I think using movies will make their learning more interesting and effectively.

e68d95e88eb7I choose “Powtoon” to edit my video. It is easy to use this tool because every button is clear for us to find, and you can find a lot of setting you can edit on your videos. During editing my movie, I encounted some problems that I can’t add slide transitions, but with my partners’s help, I found that, and add some slide transitions.

To who want to use videos at class, I agree with their thoughts. And I think we should pay more attentions on the period of videos. If the time is too long, it will not make some benefits.

Finally, the audio and video projects meet one of the ISTE standard that facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. Because the new teaching method and the new tool we use to display for children will enhance their attention and make them relaxed. And from that, they will know that they can also do something like this.

Here is my reflection


Day Five

Audio Editing

Today we were asked to create a audio file to teach the content in the lessson plan. Each audio file  created should meet one or two objectives listed in the lesson plan. We could use any tool to create our audio.

I made my audio file with Apple’s own recording software. Because it is convenient for me to upload to And I have a wrong part, I can delete that part, then continue working. The steps of my audio as follows: Firstly, I wrote down the content that will be recorded. Then I use the software to record the content. After that, I will check it out to make sure its quailty. If I am not satisfied, I would record it again. I have a difficulty in upload my audio to, but my partner came to help me soon, and we solved this problem.

Video Creation

e68d95e88eb7After lunch, we were asked to create an about 1-2 minutes video to teach the content. It was our own choice which tool we would use. We choose to create videos. Because this tool is free and it is easy for us to operate. And we can use our images uploaded by ourselves. All button is clear for us to see so that we will finish it with less difficulties. However, I still encountered some problem, for example, how to enlarge the time, and how to add some effect. For a while, I find that beside the time line, then I can click the “+” to enlarge the time; click the object which I want, then click the “set”, then I can add some effects.

In my opinion, it is helpful for me to use these tool in my educational career. I will use my audio to tell a story for children to introduce the topic. And that will make my class more interesting.  My thought on the audio and the video is that audios is for basic, while videos is for strenthing. I can use this software called “Powtoon” to make children more relaxing. What’s more, videos can be also used to explain the steps for manual work.

Here is my Audio

Here is my video

Day Four

Website design:

The differences between a web page and a document page is that you can make or upload pictures, videoes, whatever you want on your web page. Web pages are dynamic and static. And, the form of a document page is single, it will be less interesting for people.

Website is combined with various web pages and links. You can click one of them to enter a new web page. The reasons why do we need to plan our site with a storyboard ahead of time is that we can analyze and determine the purpose and function of the website before the website is built, and plan the technology, content, testing and maintenance of website construction as needed. Website planning plays a role in planning and guiding the construction, content and maintenance of the website.

The problems or challenges I met is that I have never made a website before this class. But I think we do our best to creat this website. Firstly, we have a clear discussion about general division.(Website design is divided into four parts: Home, Courses Materials, Assignment and Resources. Shelly, Jasmine and I are responsible for Courses Materials and Assignment. ) and the topic (Our topic is  “Approach clock”), content (Materials and assignment is based on our class, and the suvery to children), and then we can creat it  easily and efficiently based on learning from Dr.Wang’s lessons.

Beside, I think it connect one of the ISTE Standards——”Design and develop digital age
learning experiences and assessments”. It is mentioned that “Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats” on this point. For example, I creat a website about my teaching plan, my students’ parents will see that, they will get to know what we will do in class, and what should they do to help study, such as the materials they should prepare and so on.

Here is our group’s website

Day Three

My experience with class management software: classdojo

classdj.png ClassDojo is a free sofeware that providers children’s behavior management. Teachers will use this sofeware to give a score to every child, according to their performance in class. (The specific situation of score can be seen online.) And both of students and teachers will upload some pictures for parents to watch.

From this project, parents whose child in that community created by preschoolers  can  view the class and acknowledge what children did in class and how they did their work directly. That will be more convenient. Beside preschoolers’ operation, children can also upload their working. That will promote the communication among teachers, parents and children.

And I will use it in my class teaching by communicating with parents, recording every child’s behavior and the interesting moment. With “ClassDojo”, parents can get their children’s state in class, instead of getting the information from children (sometime children’s information may be not correct.)

And I think this project connect to one of  ISTE standards——”Model digital age work and learning”. Because “ClassDojo” do help parents get to know their children’s behavior more intuitively, teachers can communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to parents through the information uploaded by teachers and children.

Integrating electronic white board in classroom teaching

padlet“Padlet” is a electronic whiteboard. On that, students can post whatever they want. After creating our own Padlet, we can share it with friends by sending the URL or embed it in blog or web page.

From this project, I found that “Padlet” has an interesting function——setting a certain content is only visible to yourself or someone selected by yourself. That can protect people’s right to privacy, which is paid more attention for everyone. I will use “Padlet” in my classteaching for my student’s introduction, because it is easy for children to operate. What’s more, diversity settings will help them do better. (They can choose their favourite pictures). And parents also can see their children’s working at any time. (it will be always updated, once a new content is posted.)

And I think “Padlet” connect to one of the ISTE standards ——“Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources”. For example, every student has their own “Padlet”, they can use it to record the question or their own introduction which they share with their friends. The experience of designing with a new tool will make student learning more effectively and improve their creativity.

Made with Padlet


Day Two

My understanding on the flipped classroom

About the “Flipped Classroom” , it means that the teacher made video of the new knowledge, and the students watched the teacher’s explanation in video before class, and returned to the teaching mode of face-to-face communication snf completion of homeworking in the classroom. The original aim of “Flipped Classroom” is to record and post their live lecture online for students who missed the class. And then this method soon spreaded. As a college student, I am willing to see my professors to use this method, because that can help me make a general cognition about what I will learn, and I think it will also help enhance the efficiency in class. And if I teach a class, I will use this method. In that way, children will absorb the knowledge in class more easily, their anxiety about homework will be reduced, and it will have more time for me to interact with children.

Working experiences on creating a lesson plan with the flipped classroom teaching model

After having a general command of “Flipped Classroom”, we are going to creat a lesson plan in our group. And a lesson plan should include state requirements, school requirements, standards (content areas). It spended little time for us to decide our topic——”Approach Clock”. But we think about the activities at home for a long time. We worried about the clash between activities at home and in class. From the project, I know I should pay more attention to lesson plans in my future career, that will help me have a methodic control of teaching pace.

Here is our group’s lesson plan second

My experiences on working on the survey

Finally, we used to create a survey to acknowledge every children’s knowledge background and technology skills with ten questions. The diffculty is that I never used that. But the tool is not diffcult for us to use. Because I can choose various forms of questions.All operational buttons are clear, so that I can find them easily. I will use this tool to test my students mastery degree before they take class, and both of us can do better, based on the survery.

Here is our survery



About Carola and Ed 326

My Chinese name is jingyi Zhang, my English name is Carola. I am majoring in Preschool Education of Early childhood. And the main reason why I choose this specialty is that I like children and it’s amazing for me to see a process of children’s growth. After one-year leaning, I found that we do need leaning knowledge in different fields, such as the history of Early childhood Education、child psychology and some necessary skills,etc.

With today’s learning,  “technology” not only means phones, computers and all apps in those but also issues, and tools related to the use of technology with young children from birth-4th grade of all abilities in inclusive settings.(and this one is the key that we need pay more attention to). From three videos, we can see some differences between educational environment in China and America:

  1. A class will be divided into several parts: Reading, Couting, Art, etc. While children of classes in China will be asked for doing everything together.
  2. A class won’t be tidyed up, it can be a bit of messy, so that children can feel safty, they like that surrounding.
  3. The frequency of using technology in preschool in America is higher than the one in China. And different ways of using technology will enhance children’s interest of study.

In a word, with the developments of technology, “the world is a click away”. (children can choose to learn knowledge all through the world. ) And based on the proper control, technology helps develop children’s intelligence, long-term memory, and highlevel of communication, cooperation skills, and written language.

Here is our group plan first